Thursday, February 22, 2007



I am being held hostage – physically, mentally, spiritually – she is telling me day in, day out, that my dreams are worthless, that reading ten thousand books and traveling the seven seas have led to nothing more than this. It is my turn now, she says, I am the one who will now stay up all night, and taste the sensual pleasures of this earthly existence. You move over, old man, you may worship and praise, but do not try to take my place, my vitality is rising faster than stem cell stock, and the world is with me, and the world has forgotten you, and your outdated ways.

Ah, but I smile, you are wrong, I can still run away, and a man must always consider flight, it is the only thing that can keep him entirely sane when the world has said, only your subjection and slavery will satisfy us, and to hell with your literary dreams. And, the fact that you are fifteen months is only a detail, visited upon me by the gods to test my willingness to embark on the hard, lonely road.

« Quand tu aimes il faut partir
Quitte ta femme quitte ton enfant
Quitte ton ami quitte ton amie
Quitte ton amante quitte ton amant
Quand tu aimes il faut partir

Quand tu aimes il faut partir
Ne larmoie pas en souriant
Ne te niche pas entre deux seins
Respire marche pars va-t-en »

Cendrars, un extrait de son poème à l’amour amoral "tu es plus belle que le ciel et la mer"

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