Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Mullahs vs Christian Brothers

I was taught by the Christian brothers of Ireland, and they were allowed to smack us harder than what these mullahs do to their disciples, but the language is similar. We knew our enemy, and Brothers Short, French, Cooper, MacKenzie, McGivern, Slaherty and various other pedophiles, psychopaths and similar deviants charged with our upbringing never hesitated to unleash their fury, but they were careful about pulling their dicks out with me and my friends, because we fought back. During their reign of terror, we were told constantly that we were worthless, that our school spirit was no good, that they couldn't wait to get rid of us. But, that was pro forma - you might see the odd skirted man walking through the changing room by the gym for no reason at all - that was Brother MacKenzie's trick - but even he knew better than to stop for a look see.
Father McCann, the parish priest, ended up doing time, partly for screwing Meyer's sister, but most of these devout Christian brothers got away with their crimes. I'm pretty sure that to this day, they figured it was their right to chase young boys around. To hear their end of it, the lawyers were responsible for it all - trying to seize school lands they were, just because a few lonely souls were seeking comfort from the boys. No compassion!
These petrified blasphemers running the Guardian Council also look pretty mean and powerful these days, but my guess is their life expectancy is being reduced. Sixty per cent of Iranians are under the age of thirty, and they've tasted the good life. The women are beautiful, the protesters have intelligence and moxy and anger on their side. They're not going to forget this shite soon. Hopefully, they can corner some of these thugs - if they manage to lynch Saeed Mortazavi, the bloodthirsty prosecutor, that might shake them up a bit.
Hope they pull it off.

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