Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Cendrars' Ashes

On the Oregon coast, rain pouring down, but the mind is on Cendrars Ashes, and the Sargasso Sea. Cendrars expressed his wish in the following words:

"« …je serai un homme comblé si je pouvais aller mourir, le jour dit, au point choisi et disparaître anonymement, sans aucun regret du monde, à la source même du monde, en pleine mer des Sargasses, là où pour le première fois la vie s’est manifestée et jailli des profondeurs de l’océan et du soleil. »"
Here is what it means: I would be fulfilled if I can die on my chosen day, disappear anonymously, with no regrets remaining, at the very source of the world, in the Sargasso sea, there, where the world first appeared, bursting from the depths of the ocean and the sun".
Mare Sargassum is an oddity, an oceanographic abberation. The great tides, gyres and eddies of the Atlantic can take the embryonic larvae of eels across the entire ocean, but if a man driven vessel errs into its path, it will never be heard from again...

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