Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Genius within

This is the great Devreux, the untouchable genius, the man to exceed all men, who I am retrieving from obscurity, where he presides, sitting like Balboa on the peak of Darien, unknown to our crumbling universe, gazing backwards towards the repudiation of the Council of Florence, or the 1755 Lisbon earthquake or the fall of Rome, and pronouncing in the same vein as Miller:
"It matters little how much is destroyed, if only the germ of the miraculous be preserved and nurtured."
The world, glued like trapped hamsters to their cathodic screens, needs to rediscover the men who live out of time. Remember, the Web is a whore, who promises something that can never be delivered.
If you want knowledge and unity and healing, find men such as Devreux, and he will, in his infinite generosity, take you not forwards, but backwards, to a time when genius was the norm, the road to Epidaurus, where the walls that lock the spirit in crumble, leaving only the original, unblemished heart.


Anonymous said...

So, I finally met the grifter who had conned I don't know how many people out of several million US dollars to support an American fishboat [of some size - 100 feet] working in Mexico. This fat fuck [rhymes with Jabba the Hutt] weighs 500 pounds and talks about his college days as an athlete. Its beyond absurd...but at least it wasn't my money. We had been sent to Ensenada to secure title to said fishing boat and take possession of the catch. Instead I now was looking at Mountain Mike [remember Ron Morrier and Gene Kininski].

I was all for duct taping him to a beer keg full of goat guts and pulling him behind said fishing veseel to check for hammerhead sharks.

In the end we taped him hands to his ankles [it did not look comfortable] and delivered him to the parking lot of the US Marshall's office in San Diego at 3am with a lit road flare up his ass. Since he was wanted in Washington State for non-appearance for a DWI in 1987 he was retained by the US government [who doubtlessly took many pictures and are of course talking about the whole thing, as planned].

What does this have to do with 'Genius Within'? Only this...

Mr. Roadflare Rectum was not a stupid guy and maybe even had the right intentions at one time. Hubris and psychotropic drugs worked against him.

If Miller's 'germ of the miraculous [was] preserved...' then for sure this fuck ate it and washed it down with a stale beer with Mexican butts in it.

That's all I have to say

Anonymous said...

For my money you can send the genius back to the obscurity he so richly deserves for his views are anything but revolutionary, having been shared by countless other megalomaniacs before him, including -- and this is the abbreviated list -- the Stalinists, the Khmer Rouge, the Maoists, the Taliban, and the current crop of thugs occupying the White House. it so happens that it matters very much what is destroyed, and saying otherwise does little more than exhibit, with all the dignity of soiled underwear, the political, social and moral immaturity of the speaker. And I'm surprised that you use as a defense for these sentiments they are "in the same vein as Miller". As anyone who has done more than cursorily read him will attest, Miller was more a provocateur than a prophet, and said such things with the deliberate intention of antagonizing the bourgeoisie, and spent so much time doing it in order to -- unconvincingly -- assure us that he was not an integral part of it, which he was, and you can tell that because they are the only ones who ever read him. What really galls is that these destructocrats invariably turn out to be cowards. When the bayonet of history touches up against their own necks their blubbers can be heard throughout the prison. "I didn't mean me," they cry.